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OPEX Control & Accounting

Serna Shipmanagement provides a top-notch service for the reporting and accounting of ship operating expenses (OPEX). The company understands that every ship and every client is unique, and therefore, they offer a customized solution for each of their clients. The reports provided by Serna Shipmanagement are comprehensive, with detailed information on the financial status of each ship in the client's fleet. The information is tailored to meet the client's specific requirements and provides a complete picture of the ship's operating costs.

One of the key benefits of Serna Shipmanagement's service is the budgeting and forecasting of expenses. The company provides an advance budget for each vessel in their client's fleet, giving the client valuable insight into what they can expect in terms of operating costs. All expenses are categorized and ready to be imported into the client's accounting system, providing an accurate and streamlined process for tracking and analyzing costs. This includes expenses related to modification, investment, extraordinary expenses, upgrades, and more. The budgeting process is crucial for the ship owner to be able to plan for future expenses and to make informed decisions about the operation and maintenance of their vessels.

Serna Shipmanagement is committed to providing the best service possible to its clients. Their expertise in the maritime industry and their attention to detail make them an excellent choice for anyone looking for a comprehensive reporting and accounting solution. With their service, clients can rest assured that they will have accurate, up-to-date information on the financial status of their ships, allowing them to make informed decisions about the future of their operations. Whether it's for short-term planning or long-term strategic decisions, Serna Shipmanagement provides the tools and information clients need to achieve their goals.

Contact Us

By contacting Serna ShipManagement Ltd, you voluntarily provide your consent to us for the collection, use and disclosure of your personal data for the purpose of processing your enquiry.


Serna Shipmanagement Ltd, 

4th Floor, Silverstream House, 45 Fitzroy Street, London W1T 6EB, United Kingdom


Tel. +44 20 3951 8120

CEO +44 20 3637 8602

D.P.A.+44 20 3637 8603

+44 7558 899144

All copyright @2023 by Serna Shipmanagement